Every four years, the Commission conducts an interim review and update of VISION 2050 to keep the plan current and address federal requirements. The Commission adopted the first interim review and update in 2020 and adopted the 2024 Review and Update in June 2024, following approval by the Regional Land Use and Transportation Planning Committees that have guided VISION 2050 and its updates.
The purpose of the 2024 Review & Update is to determine whether it remains reasonable for plan recommendations to be accomplished by 2050 and to identify any parts of the plan that should be changed.
The 2024 Update report and related documents prepared as part of the 2024 Update process are available on this page. The Commission is currently incorporating changes and updated analyses from the 2024 Update into the Third Edition of VISION 2050 (presented in Volume III of the plan report), which will be made available on the Report page.
The 7 Elements of the 2024 Update
Additional Reports
The land use component of VISION 2050 focuses on compact development and presents a development pattern and recommendations that accommodate projected growth in regional population, households, and employment in a sustainable manner. The compact development pattern recommended under VISION 2050 ranges from high-density development such as transit-oriented development (TOD), to neighborhoods in smaller communities with housing within easy walking distance of amenities such as parks, schools, and businesses.
VISION 2050 recommends developing urban service areas with a mix of housing types, including multifamily housing and single-family housing on smaller lots, which helps provide affordable housing choices for households with a wide range of incomes. The plan also recommends mixing land uses to create walkable neighborhoods with housing near neighborhood amenities such as parks, schools, and businesses. Following national trends, most new housing units in the Region since 2010 have been multifamily, which tend to support the recommended development pattern. However, single-family housing development during that time period has been mostly at lower densities than recommended, with 88% of single-family lots within sewered areas being greater than 10,000 square feet.
New Housing Units,

SEWRPC, 9/2023
Other notable land use-related activity:
About 95% of primary environmental corridors—areas that encompass the best remaining features of the Region’s natural landscape—are currently protected through various means.
Transit-oriented development opportunities have increased around stations for The Hop streetcar and the new CONNECT 1 bus rapid transit line between downtown Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center.
The Commission is preparing a Regional Food System Plan.
Milwaukee completed a Climate and Equity Plan.
The transportation component of VISION 2050 includes the following six elements: public transit, bicycle and pedestrian, transportation systems management, travel demand management, arterial streets and highways, and freight transportation.
The updated financial analysis identified a funding gap for the recommended regional transportation system. The portion of the recommended transportation system that can be achieved with reasonably expected revenues is referred to as the “Fiscally Constrained Transportation System (FCTS).”
VISION 2050 recognizes the many reasons why a robust public transit system is essential for Southeastern Wisconsin’s future. Among them, public transit:
Expands capacity in heavily traveled corridors and densely developed activity centers
Provides an alternative to congested roadways
Can guide development by focusing jobs and housing around transit stations
Assists residents in aging in place
Is vital for residents without access to a car
Can provide employers with access to a larger labor force
Is more affordable than owning a car
Can decrease demand for parking
Can reduce carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels
With these benefits in mind, the plan recommends significantly improving and expanding public transit, which would result in a more than doubling of service levels. Improvements would include rapid transit lines, commuter rail lines, and significantly expanded local bus and flexible transit services. However, transit service under the FCTS would be expected to decline due to insufficient current and reasonably expected future revenues, and limitations on how those funds can be used. Not improving and expanding transit service will likely result in significant negative consequences, particularly for those without access to a car, disproportionately impacting people of color, low-income populations, and people with disabilities.
Implementation Highlights
In recent years, the Region has experienced an overall decline in transit service levels and an even larger decline in transit ridership, impacted significantly by the pandemic and ongoing driver shortages. Changes in travel patterns and revenue associated with the pandemic have exacerbated many of the funding constraints that already existed, resulting in transit service providers eliminating routes or reducing service. On the positive side, some progress in implementing the transit element has been made. The Milwaukee County Transit System began service on the Region’s first bus rapid transit (BRT) line, CONNECT 1, and Commission staff assisted the County in completing a study for a second BRT line along the 27th Street corridor. The Region’s first on-demand microtransit service, FlexRide Milwaukee, was also initiated to connect Milwaukee residents with jobs in nearby suburbs.
Public Transit Service Levels

National Transit Database and SEWRPC, 9/2023
Passenger Boardings on Local Transit Services

Note: Includes Kenosha Area Transit, Milwaukee County Transit System, Waukesha Metro, RYDE Racine, and The Hop Streetcar.
National Transit Database and SEWRPC, 9/2023
Consider real-time paratransit service. In 2023, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued guidance that its existing formula grant programs can be used to provide “paratransit service to eligible riders on a real-time basis and/or allow for intermediate stops” due to technology that enables flexibly scheduled service. The paratransit recommendation in VISION 2050 is being revised to reflect this updated guidance.
Highlight microtransit to improve access to suburban employment centers. In 2022, FlexRide Milwaukee opened as an on-demand transportation service connecting individuals in Milwaukee with suburban employment zones. The plan is being revised to recognize the ability of microtransit like FlexRide Milwaukee to fill gaps in the transit network and help transit riders complete the last segments of their journey to work.
Recognize need to update the recommended transit system as studies progress and needs evolve. The 2024 Update continues to include the recommended alignment from the 2020 Update for the proposed bus rapid transit corridor along 27th Street in Milwaukee County. The plan will be updated to note that future environmental review and design may result in revisions to this alignment and that of other planned rapid transit routes.
Learn more about the changes here.
View the presentation slides and recordings from the public meetings we hosted for the draft 2024 Review and Update below.