Every four years, the Commission conducts an interim review and update of the regional land use and transportation plan to keep the plan current and address Federal requirements. The 2020 Review and Update is the first update of VISION 2050 since the plan was adopted in 2016. Changes made as part of the 2020 Review and Update do not represent a major overhaul of the original plan and have been incorporated into a Second Edition of VISION 2050, which can be accessed on the Plan page.
Reviewed plan implementation to date
Staff worked with plan implementors to collect and record activity toward plan recommendations.
Reviewed year 2050 forecasts
Staff reviewed the year 2050 forecasts underlying the plan to confirm their continued validity.
Collected public and stakeholder feedback
Staff shared information about plan implementation and the review of plan forecasts and collected information about concerns and changes in priority related to VISION 2050.
Updated plan recommendations, equity analyses, and funding analysis
After considering the results of the first three steps, staff made updates to plan recommendations and updated the plan’s equity and transportation funding analyses. Staff then obtained public and stakeholder feedback on these draft updates.
Completed plan update
Staff finalized the 2020 Update, which was adopted by the Regional Planning Commission in June 2020. Changes made to the plan as part of the 2020 Update are reflected in a Second Edition of Volume III of the VISION 2050 report.
Public Involvement Round 1 (November-December 2019)
The first round of public involvement included holding seven public meetings across the Region and obtaining input from the Commission’s nine community partners. The purpose of this first round of public involvement was to share information with the public about how well the various plan elements are being implemented, and collect feedback about this progress. We also asked for comments on changes, since VISION 2050 was adopted, that we should consider as we update the plan’s recommendations.
Public Involvement Round 2 (February-April 2020)
The second round involved providing an opportunity to learn about and provide feedback on proposed plan changes. We also shared information about a funding gap for the recommended transportation system and discussed how the plan would help improve equity across the Region. This round was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic and resulted in staff cancelling three of seven planned public open house meetings across the Region. In lieu of the canceled in-person meetings, we extended the comment period and provided alternative ways for residents to learn about the draft plan update and to provide feedback, including two virtual meetings, a YouTube video presentation, and an online questionnaire.